Friuli-Venezia Giulia

We are collecting material to the project in Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, which is truly beautiful with many places to visit. Every town is placed in a wonderful area of mountains, beautiful Alps, which are the biggest mountains in Europe. Tourists find this place as an interesting direction to travel. Place is usually hot and sunny so if you want to take a break from your regular life and you don’t feel like lying on the beach, it is great area for you. 

This region is historically very valuable, you can find here beautiful works of art. 

The past of this place means a lot to inhabitants of the region, they are strongly attached to their regional identity.

Bordering with Slovenia and Austria, between the Adriatic Sea and high mountains, Friuli Venezia Giulia boasts a rich and varied heritage – the outcome of centuries of history and the merging of different peoples and cultures. 

Trieste still symbolizes all this today and wins the hearts of everyone with its austere architecture. 

Palmanova, on the other hand, is a perfect example of a XVI century fortified town: a rich offering for an unforgettable holiday, dedicated to physical activity, well-being and enjoyment. 

The Dolomites and the Alps are among the favourite destinations for winter sports enthusiasts, yet they are also delightful in spring and summer, with famous spas and ideas for everyone. 

Whatever the time of year, you must also taste local specialities and typical produce, including San Daniele ham and Montasio cheese.
